Price List

Cosmetic Surgery Prices

The surgical and cosmetic procedures available at ClinicAgostini are subject to many variables and personal factors.
Even though the methods are the same for each operation, each treatment is unique, because each patient is unique. No two of us are the same. Each body has its own symmetry, its own physique, and its own individual balance.

As a result, each operation and each treatment has to be studied, planned and applied individually, becoming unique and personal.
The price list for cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine is based on this line of thinking. We are not able to quote a price before carrying out an accurate analysis of the problem and the respective solution.

We can give a rough indication of the maximum cost. However, as with all other aspects of the treatment, the real and final price will be communicated during your meetings with the surgeon and his team. We are always available to try and find the right solution for you, also in this regard.


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